Saturday, July 23, 2011

Has anyone heard of Alexandra Mussolini criticizing Carla Bruni over immigration?

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Please help i want to know the name of one commercial?

i saw this commercial 2 or 3 years ago as i remember on eurosport 2 the plot is like this: winter, In the middle of wood man is coming and he is exhausted i think and cold so he is so tired that he lays down right on the snow, than wolfs appear and you think that they will eat him, but no they lay on him in order to not let him froze. the end. and at the end there was written something like save the nature or so don't remember exactly. please help if you know where to find it or what is it cold??

NBA: Should Kahn & Wolves trade Beasley for a younger, better Center?

Honestly I would say keep Beasley because Michael Beasley would be a good extra scoring option. If the T Wolves were to trade someone I would say trade Martel Webster for a reliable 3 point shooter. A lineup of Derrick Williams and Michael Beasley would look pretty good. Kahn wants an up tempo system which is when Rubio is at his best. If you have a team that runs up tempo it's best to stack up on athletic forwards that can score. Yeah I would definitely say wait and see how things pan out before you decide to trade him...If I was the GM and I honestly wouldnt trade Beasley for Bynum. I like Andrew Bynum and all but he's too injury prone. So if you get Bynum you would be taking a big risk.

What is meant by "verbose politesse" in reference to British English?

You mean "verbose politeness"? It means you've got manners but whenever you say anything pertaining to it, you make it alot more wordy than it needs to be.

I got a morphsuit but....I have a few questions. HELP PLEASE!?

I just go my morph suit and I tried it on and im a bit worried. (i am a gir) so I worried about getting a camel toe or if I look fat in it. Would it be to strange to put like shorts and a tank top over it? Also, am I the only one that feels like her eyelashes are being pushed back? Last question, I got it for camp, do you think they would let me wear it? (sleep away camp)

What day of the week is teen wolf on mtv and what time?

ive watched the first couple of episodes on comcast but i really want to keep up with it because i love it. anyone know?

Why do vampires and wolfs hate echover ?

Im not a vamp or a wolf .. well i wana be a vamp if your not one or the other u will think im crazy but why do we hate on the wolfs ? n why thay hate on us ??

How do I get my girlfriend to go on the Skydive ride with me?

She went on Raging Bull, Iron Wolf, Superman, The Demon, etc. But why won't she do the Skydive ride?

Who knows the name of the musicbox played in the anime fairy tail in the Edolas Era ?

like when carla was talking to natsu and wendy about Edolas before flying there ,,, or when Happy and Carla were in Extalia in the farm with who appeared later to be happy's parents, when his dad was inspiring him to do the right thing, there was a really sad musicbox playing ... plz can anyone help me ?

Music from tonight's episode (#5) of Teen Wolf?

When Kate is threatening Derek in his house and theres this piano music playing in the background. I need to know the name of this song!!

Is this prophecy good. It's for a book?

Ok when I first saw the question " is this a good propecy" I was thinking along the lines of Percy Jackson but what I read was a lot better and very creative I think the prophecy is perfect and I love the story all together hope this goes somewhere

Can you pay for stuff in Dubai Airport using camels?

I heard that this is possible. Can anyone tell me if it is, and also whats the exchange rate for camels?

What does a dream about a camel spider insect mean?

In my dream, I was in my room and there was this large camel spider but it had the head of a praying mantis and every time I touched it with my hand, it burned and I tried to flush it down the toilet but it wouldn't go down and then it jumped out of the toilet and I picked it up using a washcloth and let it go outside.

Arsene Wenger - I'm Gunner fight to keep Cesc Fabregas?

It would seem like a surrender to just sell him, but how much has he been missed this year when he has not been available ? I wonder if there are any regular Arsenal watchers who think it may not be a bad time to cash in on him ?

What is a Furry (second life) avatar?

I saw this on a site "Luskwood Creatures" and its $950.. But what exactly is it? Link:

Atheists: If there is no God, then how do you explain...?

Oh **** guys, TalkOrigins and Wikipedia have NOTHING on this! Tell the scientific community to HIDE THE EVIDENCE!

Why is the White House punishing this journalist?

When a Democrat president, especially this one, has a San Francisco newspaper calling him out...? That's not a good sign.

Which war was Britain's most humiliating defeat?

Look up the wars in Afghanistan in 1839 and i could say it was the most Britain's most humiliating defeat

Claim to fame for Romantic composers?

All of these composers had numerous claims to fame. I can't imagine why you would ask this if not for some assignment, and I will not do your work for you. If you want to learn about these composers, there is plenty information on the Internet and in resources such as the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians or So that you don't get sidetracked needlessly, make sure you look under the correct names: Adolf von Henselt (not Hensel) and Clara (not Carla) Schumann.

Anyone can help me understand Carla Bruni's song L'amour?

Im addicted to this song and so in love with the sound of her relax voice and guitar strumming. Please translate the song lyrics to English language. Just want to see if this song fit in as our wedding entree song.

Coronation Street. This Stella looks very tough, have any of you seen this spoiler?

Michelle Collins is a Londoner so why was she trying to speak with a northern accent. One good thing about this episode, we were spared that gormless Fizz and her constant wittering about `Hope and my babee'. She should have gone off the roof with her murdering husband

Ok this dumb but its bugging me so maybe u guys have a better answer?

my bf says i have a camel toe but yet i have heard it b4 but not really sure wat it means i goggled it and it came up u get it from wearing tight pants..the thing is i don't so what the heck is it and is there any plus to having 1?

Best friend fight? I tried to apologize. please help?

okay i know they are like ur "Bff's"But lets face it carla will stick up for kate nomatter what happens, because she is her sister. Its likea twin thing. So in a way carla is not wrong, but she is for not listning to you. Because you cannot take a side of a family member if they did something wrong its not cool. I think u should find better freinds. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG just apologize and if they don't wanna apoogize back or tlk to u leave em that proves what freinds they really were

I m writing a story about vampires and wolves what should i name my chracters?

The lead is to girls and a guy one girld and guy r wolves other girl vampire 2 more wolves both male and 2 more vampires that are male and female couple

Who would win in a fight between Emmerdales Charity or Coronation Streets Carla?

I think Charity would flatten her, being one of the two toughest woman in Emmerdale (the other being Chas). Carla would put up a fight, but Charity would easily bring her down. What do you guys think?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Do you like these names?

Gianna, it's unique and cute ! By unique I mean not very much people name their kid Gianna, not meaning it's bad.. Cuz it's not I really like the name .. Gianna, Gia (:

Is there anything I can do to prevent dry mouth as a side effect from a drug?

I take a medication called adderall to treat my ADHD. I've tried all types of ADHD medication such as Concerta, Ritalin, Vyvanse, and Strattera. Some of them helped a little and others helped a lot but came with unbearable side effects. Now I'm on adderall and it has been a lifesaver for me. I like it because of the added focus I get from it, plus it doesn't really seem to change my personality much, to my surprise(all the other meds made me feel like a completely different person). The only issue I've had with it is that I can really bad dry mouth from it and it bothers me a lot. So, is there anything I can do to prevent the dry mouth? I tried drinking water but I become thirsty to the point where I was consuming like 16 bottles of water a day. Hell I can't do that though I'm not no damn camel. Is there something else I could do b/c this cotton mouth is making me want stab myself in the face. HAte it. A lot.

Can anyone tell me the exact progression of Evolution from Fish to Horses or Camels....?

I mean with the name of species, and it would be better if there were some source with illustrating pictures...

Cheap cigarettes..........?

I usually buy the five dollars a pack cigarettes like Marlboro or Camels. I've been out of work some and I'm trying to wash and detail cars to bring in a little money until these places I put in hire me and I've switched to super cheap cigarettes that are like $2.50 a pack.. I smoke those Rave Menthol 100s, Riversides, and sometimes Pyramids. Why is it that the cheap cigarettes smell like herbs and not tobacco? And they taste like grass? And it doesn't really satisfy a nicotine craving like a Marlboro or Camel does? Do they not use just tobacco in the cheap ones?

Short shorts on thick legs ?

No i dont see anything wrong with that, it shows off your muscles, just dont get toXo tight, short shorts.

Why don't people blame the corporations for bad hiring practices rather than the president?

because big business is not hiring on the level that they should, profits are at record highs because of not employing people, simply because they want the Obama presidency to be marred with high unemployment, so the public will blame him for that lack of creation of jobs; but in the same breath they will say govt does not create jobs

Does PETA support killing camels to stop global warming?

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I am depressed and suicidal, I told my parents 6 months ago but they ignored me.?

"Worthless" "Pathetic" "Useless" "Terrible" "Always. Never. Good. Enough" WHAT THE @$$F@#KED donkey is that!?! "Your pathetic" and "useless" and they don't care about this? They're evil! Call the cops for child discrimination!

Are camel toes actually that unattractive?

Haha darling I think you need to google for a definition of what a camel toe actually is... How can you have a constant camel toe? That doesn't make sense :) You don't need a "camel toe" to be confident, but if it does make you feel confident, i guess, just go for it.

Would i be allowed to bring this to school?

I am a sophomore in high school, thursday is our last day. i was wondering if i would be allowed to bring a camel back to school!!!

Can anybody solve this simultaneous equation?

ok, let your age be j; so j=3c, and c=10/3n. furthermore, j+c+n=43. 3c+c+3/10c=43 , c=10, and n=3. that's you cousin's age "3 yr", carla is "10" and you're "30".

I have a running question?

i have to take a physical fittness test in 2 days for a job. i find that when i run, when i stop and walk, its not because my muscles are tired, but my breathing becomes too heavy. what are some good tips to not breathe as hard? thanks, carla

My dogs got into a fight, and one got a puncture wound, what do I do?

First off, it needs to go to the vet. It's unfortunate that her mom is refusing medical help because the deep wound can get infected. My dogs got into a very serious fight once when one of my females was in an aggressive heat cycle. One of my dogs had a puncture wound, and we took her to the vet. They gave her antibiotics to prevent an infection, and we went to the store to get gauze to wrap her leg. After maybe a week, she was healing and walking just fine. Good luck with your dogs! :)

Does he actually care that hes lost my friendship please help?

what should i do i need good advice. last week i told my close male friend the friendship had ended. for the last 2 years ive helped him get on his fee, helped financially-the lot. he repays with half truths and blantant lies, takes me for granted and i just had enough but i feel empty without him, when he was ok he was the most wonderful friend you could ask for but the lies arw too much. whats also hurtful is after everything and not a word. we had a huge row a week ago because he kept lying about this girl he was seeing. i knew she was scamming him and she did but it was the straw that broke the camels back. but now i miss him-this is crazy but its hurful to think he doesnt even give a damn what should i do pls help

Jordan retro 5 wolf grey?

idk where to buy, they are sold out everywhere. i tried ebay and they charge like an extra 60 dollars for them. do any of u know a site that sells them for a reasonable price or when footaction will restock them.

I need your opinion on this situation with my friends?

Carla is being childish. If I were you I'd tell her that too. She's a effing adult! -ShakeMyHead- It is definitely not normal. That's childish drama. rumors ? Really ? ._.

Where can I find camel snus in Puerto Rico.?

My husband and I are in Puerto Rico for our honeymoon this week. He likes those Camel Snus and everyone we've talked to says it is very hard to find camel snus here. Does anyone know of a particular store in Puerto Rico that sells it. It also does not matter what side of the island it's on. If they have it he'll drive there.

This girl is ruining my life :'((((((??????

This all sounds like stupid superficial junior high drama. So pointless and ruthless. Everyone there is still trying to figure out who they are, so they make fun of others to feel better about themselves. You haven't done anything wrong, kids in junior high are just way too immature.

What is this song called (from mtv show teen wolf)?

im a avid watcher and fan of the MTV show teen wolf ....hahahaha. and i heard a song on the last episode thats like "everybodys lookin at you like they wanna go home with you" thats rlly all i know bout it. it comes on at the part when the aunt accuses scott of stealing from her bag then as soon as allision...hahah... says she did it, pulls out the condom, the song come on. if u watch teen wolf u would know what i mean lol. BUT WAT IS THIS SONG!? i love it and ive gone to the ends of the earth (or just youtube&google but thats ok..) to find it!!! anyone know? I WOULD LOVE U 4EVER AND GIVE U BEST ANSWERRRR <333

(Percy Jackson)Heroes of Olympus, why did Thalia ask the demigods if anyone had been bitten by Lycaon?

What would have happened if they had been bite? Would Thalia shoot them? I think if they got bitten it would mean they would turn into a wolf and join Lycaon's pack.

How to draw nice and not too unrealistic pictures?

I mean I can draw some pretty nice things like wolves and I once drew a nice dragon but each time I used online tutorials. How can I draw nicely? Each time I try, it gets all messed up. I am now able with wolves but it's the only thing I am able to draw without tutorials.

Who is tha Alpha in "Teen Wolf" mtv?

I didn't think the alpha was a werewolf like Scott and Derek. I saw tonight's episode and started to wonder who the alpha could be. I have a feeling the alpha is someone close to Scott or at least knows who he is. What do you think?

Which name is the prettiest?

if youre going by "pretty" then id say Anastasia and Bella but if your asking which i like best, then id say Summer or May

How do you show off your camel toes?

i wear lots of pants that shows my camel toes but no one especially guys dont seem to notice them. how can i get them to notice it more

Girl of my dreams. Lost. ?

Bro, summer of not seeing her is a long time. In college too, when I saw a girl with descriptions comparable to yours I just had to ask her out. That's the best way to get the truest answer is straight from the person. Facebook, etc.. is not gonna help you in getting the answer. If she says yes you'll be a happy guy, and even if she says no, then at least you'll know, and will be able to look for another girl! Trust me I was in the exact same situation, I just couldn't stop thinking about her!!! When I asked she said we can only stay friends, but hey I asked and found out. Your not the only one who gets that feeling in the gut. So, make sure to stay cool and next time you see her, go for it man, I wish you well! Remember think positive, at least you asked and will know the answer whether yes or no.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Guys please help me to solve a word problem for business math. Thank you!!!?

Carla purchases a home for $300000 with a 30 year fixed mortage at an annual rate of 7.0%. She puts down a 20% down payment. 12 years later, she decides to put in a new kitchen. Her home appraises for $310000, and the bank is willing to give her a line of credit equal to 67% of her total equity. If Carla’s dream kitchen project would cost her $122000, does she have enough equity in her home to cover?

Which name sounds better?

well i like the names alyssa,Jazmine,Kristina,Jade,Sierra, and Elana sorry if i didn't narrow it down enough hope i helped :)

Which episode was this quote from?

In which episode of coronation street did Carla Connor say to Maria "your a hairdresser with candyfloss for brain cells" really need to know! Thanks! :) Xx

Can you identify this spider? !?

I live in arkansas and last night I saw a large wolf spider.... Well tonight... I saw this really large dark brown spider on my front door step. I sat their for a while before I got up to go in and realized it had been directly behind me the whole time with its legs it was aproximately 2 inches. It's abdoman was rather large and round and looked as if it had large spikes. Its legs were firry and its head appeared slick. It was entirely dark brown and I know it wasn't a brown recluse. It ran away as soon as I mad a loud noise.... What could it be?

How far is grapevine from fort worth?

im going to great wolf lodge tomorrow and I need to find out how far it is from fort worth. does anyone know how far it is?

Seniors, what makes kids start smoking?

I wouldn't say peer 'pressure' exactly. None of my friends tried to talk me into smoking...I started on my own. It's hard to say what makes some kids start and not others. My mother smoked like a chimney, my dad didn't smoke. My brother and I started smoking at very young ages (14-15), my sister never smoked. Neither of my (ex) husbands smoked...and neither of my kids do either...thankfully. I thought for sure my son would start smoking at some point because he was always a 'wild child'...but he can't stand to be around it.

How should I feel and what should I do now?

Long story short: I had a friend who was rude to me nearly every time we hung out either with her words or her actions. I am the shy/quiet type so I internalized it and never said anything. The straw that broke the camel's back was when she publicly humiliated me. She went away for a semester to study abroad and I decided to ignore her. We both graduated and the situation was still on my mind. I finally sent her a letter about my feelings (now 8+ months later) and she is now saying she's the hurt one because I ignored her for so long without telling her how I felt. She claims she never knew her words were so offensive. I told her I would still like to be friends but now SHE is telling ME no because she feels more wronged in the situation. What am I to do? How should I feel?

Went from holding a grudge to not being forgiven?

Long story short: I had a friend who was rude to me nearly every time we hung out either with her words or her actions. I am the shy/quiet type so I internalized it and never said anything. The straw that broke the camel's back was when she publicly humiliated me. She went away for a semester to study abroad and I decided to ignore her. We both graduated and the situation was still on my mind. I finally sent her a letter about my feelings (now 8+ months later) and she is now saying she's the hurt one because I ignored her for so long without telling her how I felt. She claims she never knew her words were so offensive. I told her I would still like to be friends but now SHE is telling ME no because she feels more wronged in the situation. What am I to do? How should I feel?

My Scream 5 movie idea?

dude, the scream movies are my life. lmao. uh, i saw the premier of scream 4, and the beginning is A LOT like it. Over all, your idea is all right, and i'd love a scream 5, but your plot doesn't go deep enough. i don't know what to tell you, i'm sorry! BUT you may have a chance in the directing/screen writing business.

Carla best lines: corrie?

Can anyone give me any good coronation street quotes that Carla has said please? And if you know... The episode it was from. Thanks :) xxx

GUYS: how do girls turn you on?

without touching you. say she wanted to make you hard or ***. how would she do that without touching you. is there any words or body language. what if she bend over in leggings? or if you see a camel toe, does that turn you on or is it gross? im just wondering. 10 pts for best answer . what body features do you like most?

Saltwater fish question?

ok so i am upgrading my 90 gallon to a 360 gallon and i wanted to add new stuff and give away all my old stuff and i was thinking about a biscuit sea star,1 wolf eel,1 zebra eel,1 moorish idol,8 blue reef chromis,2 blue line grouper,a 10in by 8 inch rock cave for the eels to hide in ,a few rock condos,2 small batches of green sea kelp,1 baby mimic octopus

How do you smoke a cig?

First inhaling is basically just breathing but instead of breThing in through Ur nose breath in with ur mouth and u hold it between Ur pointer and middle finger. And my fav is marb menthols and btw I wouldn't start smoking I smoke for a year or two now and it does bad **** to Ur body and u won't be able to quit Ive tried like 5 times to just don't start it's better for u

I need to change my name when I'm sending an email, it says it's from one name I need to change it?

i need to change my outgoing name. When I send an email it says it's from carla@yahoo but I don't want that name i need to change it...How do I do that?

What is the song that played during Carla's intro on MOB WIVES?

I want to know what the song that was playing during Carla's intro on the VH1 show Mob Wives. All you hear of the song is "tryna keep my head up out the clouds up out the clouds no wonderin the ___ out" Its like a poppy urbany type songs and I cant find any info about it.

What do you think of the name 'Sarlat' for a girl?

I'm pregnant and I love this name. Can't remember where I heard it or if it's even a name, but I love it. The T is silent, pronounced 'Sarla', like rhyming with Carla. My boyfriend isn't too sure on it. It is a bit weird but I don't want a regular sounding name. Opinions?

Question about the movie "red riding hood" with amanda sayfield?

Yes Lucy was older because the dad was trying to talk to the older sister and when Lucy didn't understand him that's when he realized that she wasn't his daughter. Not sure how much older she was though.

How can i get my bangs like this? (picture)?

Use a round brush and a blow dryer thats how i get my clients hair to swoop try a larger one and a smaller one to see how tight of a swoop you want :)

Why is it that you can pick?

so all miraculous things in the Bible are not literal, only metaphor, only by virtue they are miraculous. then by definition, God's existence is not literal either, because He is miraculous. That's the problem with interpreting the word metaphorically where it is not intended - you could ultimately conclude the meaning of the Bible is opposite what it says. So Christ died? Not literally. Christ was resurrected? Not literally. There is a God? Not literally. There is a Hell? Not literally.

Question about No country for old men?

so Llewlyn Moss takes the money. Sends Carla Jean on a bus to her mother. Why didn't he go with them? Why go to the motel instead? just wondering

Can a wolf be dosmeticated to become your pet?

can you raise it till it dies without it turning on example would be like raisin a lion but years later it turns on you and kills you,would a wolf do that even when you raise since birth?

What do you think of these names best answer to most detail :}.?

There not bad names, but to me they're too common. When I was in school and on the job there were others with my same first name. So they always wanted to change my name in some way. I didn't like them doing that. There are some beautiful names out there in the world, some not so common and still very feminine and hard to make fun of. Some are from other countries. I tend to like those. Your names are nice sounding. I think the two syllable names are easier to use.

What was the song played on last nights corrie when Kirk, Gary and Carla were in the rovers?

Sorry but I don't remember the song. Sorry. Why not get TrackID on your phone so you can find out what songs you hear are?

Prophecy. For a story please?

Sorry, but even with the "main points" WRITE YOUR OWN!!!! Look, what's the point of a writing if you need someone else to do it. If you want, you can do what you did in the additional details.

Which Nancy Drew game of the following would you say is the scariest?

I was reaLly really scared when I played ghost dogs of moon lake but there is only one scary scene in that one and it happens close to the beginning. Message in a haunted mansion has some "scaryness" to it but it makes you think you will get scared so you get uneasy and it's unpleasant cuz u wait for the scary thing and it never happens. That one has one major scary scene where you see a ghost. It just kinda scares you then you figure out a logical exPlanation and it gets lame. I agree that crystal skull is scary but I think curse of Blackmore manor is scarier. In curse of Blackmore manor you see glowing red eyes and have creepy dreams and hear noises and feel like you are being watched. The haunting of castle Malloy has a few scary things too but it's not as bad. In secret of the old clock you are in a secret passage and Nancy says it feels like sOmeone is watching me... I think they all have their scary parts mostly because they can have people pop out of nowhere and scare you with shock. Anyways The Captive Curse comes out tomorrow!

What happened to Camel Cash?

I used to get cool stuff with my c-notes. It fizzled out years ago but I dont know what happened. I came across a large stash of these little coupons forgotten in an old drawer, probably a thousand c-notes- I could really get something cool with that amount, not just a zippo ; ) I wonder what happened?

Question about the movie "The Lost Boys" 10 points to the best answer!?

Sure, just picture her in an eighties outfit! The most important thing is it works for you, the writer, in your head. If it does, go for it. If you're not sure, keep looking, or envision your own character. Good luck with your story. I love the Lost Boys!

What should my friend do?

Well I think she just can't accept the idea that her mom is marrying someone else, and that made her world suddenly spin in confusion, and she started to cut her-self. It has nothing to do with how nice the guy is, I think she just cant accept that her mom has moved on.I am guessing she is in a state of sad confusion and I think you should be a very supporting friend to her right now in her time of need. Maybe you could try and get her mind of things for a little while, and later try to ask her why she doesn't want them marrying. I think you should tell her that this is what her mom wants and that if she loved her mum she wouldn't try and get in the way of their marriage, That might be her snap back to reality and could stop her from cutting herself, But if she still does cut herself, tell how dangerous it is and what your friendship means to you.Plead her to stop if you have to, and tell her how devastated you would be if she was to get hurt. Hope I helped. Good-luck :)

Cigarettes flavors for new smokers?

Im 18 now and I have smoked be for and I want to know if there's a good flavor. I have 9 camels and there like minty and I want one I can get at a store in Ohio. But just some thats a good flavor??? Thanks:)

Which name do you like best? ((Girls and Boys Names))?

if it was me i would have maddison for a girl and Aiden for a boy. if i was coosing off your list i would pick ryder for a boy and Amber-rose for a girl. good luck with the baby and i want to know what you call it!!! xx

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My boyfriend said i had a camel toe. what is that?

i went out with my boyfriend and in the middle of it he started laughing and said i had a camel toe. what is that?

Music used on mob wives?

In the first episode when they introduce Carla there is this song and it's good it kinda goes everyday I bring out the sunshine so yea

Teen Wolf episodes (2011)- where can I watch them?

Hi guys i really want to watch this series but i cant find anywhere to watch them. Cud someone please give me a link to a website thats got them all. Thanks =D

??? Do you think this would This be okay with our Father God?

I fail to see what the Old Testament dietary laws and the new covenant has to do with the modern methods of slaughter. The animal is still the animal, killing it is still killing it, and eating it is still eating it. I don't see why God would have a problem. There's nothing cruel about the methods, nor does the animal suffer.

Carla likes to go bird watching with her mom. After each outing, Carla records on a graph how many birds they?

Carla likes to go bird watching with her mom. After each outing, Carla records on a graph how many birds they spotted. Is this an example of a discrete or continuous function? Explain. (7 points)

A question about hypocrisy in Christianity today?

My opinion: you are totally correct that most churches do not follow the teachings of Jesus; they soften it up. If you hold the beliefs you hold, you'd probably be in the most similar company in a fundamentalist baptist church, or pentacostal.

GRADE 10 MATH EXAM TOMORROW, (things i really need help with!)?

Do you know the formula? Hypotenuse squared= A squared + B squared.. So if you're trying to find the longest side you, add them together and if you're trying to find the shortest side you have to take away, once you have your answer you square root it :) I'm not sure about the angles.. Don't you have to add the numbers up and take away by 360? Anyway, I'm not quite sure, good luck though!

Australia has found a novel way to solve it's?

What a lot of baloney ! leave the camels alone I say, there will more than 1.2 millions new Aussie's born and coming to Australia through immigration and refugees next year farting, belching and sh#tting and producing more carbon gas and doing more harm to the enviroment than those poor creatures could ever do. besides the carbon tax is a big rort and just more revenue for our government.

I hate the way my entire body looks.?

My eyes are too big, my nose is too big, my teeth are super crooked (we can't afford braces), I'm taller than any other 9th grade girl (5'6"), and I get a super bad camel toe with everything I wear (I'm getting labiaplasty when I'm 18) and I'm just super super insecure and I don't have any

Why don't americans know anything about armenians?

i don't think they ever even heard about armenians. and when they do they think armenia is a country in the middle of some desert with camels and muslims and turbans and headscarves.. but we aren't AND IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PEOPLE THINK THAT! :I

Mtv teen wolf episode 5 preview song?

hello, does anyone know the name of the song that plays on the teen wolf episode 5 commercial on mtv.. there no words on it.. just really cool sound.. anybody? plz and thank you

POLL : Who Will Carla Facciolo from Mob Wives Sleep with Besides me?

Wrong category- the stupid questions category is over there ------------------> or maybe over there <<----------------

Any Good Hotmail Account Name for me?

I want to make a new hotmail accoun my name is Carla and i want the number 92 in it and i like purple and music so please i cant come up with any name dosent have to say my name or music

What would exactly happen if you get bitten by a wolf?

So idk but i'm just interesting on wolfs, and stuffs like that cuz I'd been watching Teen Wolf on MTV and its really cool, so I waz wondering if you get bitten by a wolf, can you become one?

What is this worth please help!?

Okay. So i have this jacket. Its long and goes to the floor. Its 100% camel hair && its from Nordstrom. Im trying to sell it but i have no idea how much its worth. Can you please help me!!!

Can camels suck things?

like, are humans the only one with the sucking reflex? or can camels suck too? i looked it up and couldn't find it. thankyou :D

What does this dream mean?

Maybe it means your stressed or worried about something. Dreams could have a meaning or maybe not. No one really knows. Is there something that your scared of or worried about?

What's a better costume?

So, There's a Costume party coming up, and I need a good (slightly sexy) costume! So I was thinking a Tiger, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (A sexy female edition of course) , or a Wolf, which sounds better? :]

How to stop a camel toe with yoga pants?

Its so annoying. These yoga pants arent even tightt! there kidna loose actually!!! ugh im so annoyed i put my legs the slightest bit together and BAM camel toe......... there also not so high i even tried putting it lower but the more fabric makes it bigger.

What is the name of this book?!?!?!?

it's about this girl and shes like weird and shy and depressed and stuff and then she meets this vampire and he like stalks her and they fall in love and hes like sparkely and stuffs and then theres this wolf dude and hes soooo manly and stuffs but she loves the sparkley dude. whats the name of this boook?!?!?!??!

What was the name of 1950's or 1960's American film about a woman who was virtually sold to a furrier?

The woman tried to escape but couldn't. Then the man had an accident and the woman had to chop his leg off. it is set in the wild and there are wolves and very bleak conditions. It is in black and white.For some reason this film has stuck in my mind but I dont remember what it was called.

What is the safest and most effective way to whiten your skin?

You can use whitening soaps as well as whitening lotion to whiten your skin. I would also like to suggest that you visit It's a fun site for girls that allows you to interact with other girls to share ideas/opinions about beauty and fashion. Once this matters is shared, I'm sure lots of girls can help you with this.

Does Camel still make the Camel Red cig?

Wow! When I started smoking I smoked Camel Filters for years until Camel Reds came out and switched to them. But to answer no, I believe they took those off the market.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wearing a pleated maxi skirt to school; is that too much?

It seems now that in this generation, people are so used to seeing girls dressed in a mini skirt, or at least a skirt that hits the knee up that maxi skirts look ugly. But lately I've been really getting in to maxi skirts; especially pleated ones like this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Military veterans can you please answer these questions for my interview?

I've seen this set of question at least twenty times, and I've gotten tired of pretending to be Luke Skywalker when I answer them. If you're not motivated enough to come up with your own set of interview questions, I'm motivated diligent enough to answer them, even in jest.

Wanna get a tiny tattoo of a camel on my big toe... will it hurt?

going to new york for a college trip, im 18 and i dont know if im allowed to have the tattoo because its a college trip BUT its going to be my first tattoo and it will be a small camel on my big toe *top side* will it hurt alot? is there anything that i will need to keep in mind? will it be cheap?

Am I the only guy who dosen't think that Jay-Z's ugly?

I'm not gay therefore of course I'm not attracted to him but my girlfriend told me that he has a scary face and looks like an evil camel. I don't see that at all; what's so ugly about him. sure his lips are full but I don't see anything scary about him at all.

Does this abercrombie hoodie seem genuine?

yea it looks real but it definitely aint new. it has a stain on the tag looks like a bleach spot on the right side of the jacket and the zipper seams are faded as if it has been wahed and worn alot. and why is it so rinkled. if you are willing to pay 50 US dollars u might as well get a new one from and get free shipping on orders over 50 dollars

Best comedies of the 1960s?

The Producers(1968), After the Fox(1966), and The Magic Christian(1969). And from your list, Fearless Vampire Killers.

Did i do the right thing to help my friend?

one of my best friends has been having a lot of trouble at home with her husband. they are getting in fights all the time and she doesnt want to leave cause of the kids. i have known her for like 10 years. she is 33. she has never smoked or drank or anything bad. well she came to me and said she couldnt take the pressure anymore and she went into 7-11 and bought a pack of camels and tried to smoke them to calm down. she said she coughed and hack and barfed all over the sidewalk. she wanted to learn to smoke correctly and i have been smoking for a long time. she asked me to teach her. i smoke reds like 4-5 packs a day. she said she wanted to be calm like me and be happy so i taught her not to choke and now she is smoking like half a pack a day. this is calmest i have ever seen her. it seems to be making her feel better. did i do the right thing????

How would you route a message from cherlondia to darlene? carla to max? sylvia to wolfgang? henry to wolfgang?

cherlondia can call al and shirley( this means that cherlondia can call them, but neither al or shirley can call cherlondia). al can call max. wolfgang can call darlene, and darlene can call wolfgang back. sylvia can call dalamatia and henry. max can get calls only from al. carla can call sylvia and cherlondia. shirley can call darlene. max can call henry. darlene can call sylvia. henry can call carla. cherlondia can call dalmatia. how would you route a message from cherlondia to darlene carla to max? sylvia to wolfgang? henry to wolfgang? shirley to henry max to dalamatia? cherlondia to sylvia? dalamatia to henry?

What tops with camel jeans?

You should wear Ladies Red Or Black Wrapover top to match with your jeans. This top has a vintage chic style to it with the beautiful lace detail. the top is quite loose and flows out a bit like an a-line. Lovely design although.

Will someone bite me and turn me into a werewolf?

I am an honest hard working individual that doesn’t give up on anything. I am fairly strong and am more than capable of defending a pack. I know many fighting styles and have a knack for getting strong and faster than others better than me. I learn fast and will do as told by an alpha or those of higher command. I take orders well and execute them efficiently as possible. I am not able to shift but I know I am a wolf by heart and blood. You can sense it yourself in person. If your willing to give me a shot at a pack spot i will swear to you my loyalty. I know there is some people that will post here saying I am dillusional and mental. I understand what i am saying and i respect your opinions but please show me some respect as well and don't leave stupid comments.

How to be a manly man?

If you have to ask this, then it is probably never going to happen. Maybe find a place in life that is appropriate for you instead, somewhere where you might know success and happiness

Which is the best pic out of this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How true is this hadith?

sura 17:1 tells us about mohammad being in the muslim heaven. the hadiths tells us he rode buraq, a flying horsey up there. allah then took his prophet and showed him hell and most of the people there were women. this was because they didn't obey and serve their husbands right. please! read the quran and hadiths and learn about islam.

Sort of personal question for women that ride English?

I'm a western rider, but next week my cousin who owns an English barn is going to teach the basics of jumping on one of her horses. She told me she'd prefer I didn't come in my usual attire - jeans, a tank and my boots, and that I wear breeches and borrow a pair of her boots. My question, which is kind of silly but anyways, do breeches ever...stick to you down there? like give you a camel toe or anything? I've never noticed but never looked hard enough to pay attention. Anyways, thanks for the answers.

Here's one that will wake ya?

Why do people in country's who are heavily influenced by pop culture, such as united states, uk, Canada etc. Are such douche bags who only care about themselves and nowadays don't even realize how much a holes they are being, all the people around me are having sex at 15 and drinking, smoking, partying.....and most likely be found dead with **** all over their faces at age 33, but anyways yea it seems like this culture, tv, media, turns people into total self indulgent, decedent, slave larva, idiotic, mindless, cock-mongling, queef burger sampling, people, it's so weird, these people are foccuss on problems that have nothing to do with life or the worlds current state of affairs, example: me:" dude don't you just wanna start a militia, go into mexico and get rid of all the drug traffickers?" friend: " dude, no comment on my pic please" me: -_- another example: me: " hey did you hear about how both political party's are run by the same people and our water has lithium in it and our phones can get taped without warrant and police now have the right to kick our door in without warrant and rape our wife's?" friend: " haha yea hold up new episode of teen wolf"

Minecraft-my pet wolves don't Stand up ant attack me?

I right click on them and they don't stand up but they move sitting down. They attack me if I hit them until I'm dead. I dont want to kill them but they attack me sitting down

How many camels could i get?

we are going on holiday to egypt soon, i have a 15 year old daughter who is really annoying although quite pretty red hair, tall, slim. i was wondering how many camels i could expect to get for her and what are the chances of bringing them on the plane and through customs? would i need a pet passport? we are flying with 'easyjet'

Is there a job that involves crossing the Sahara by camel?

Hi! I found your question interesting, and I realized you are looking for some kind of an adventure where you can experience new challenges and deal with them And get paid for it ;). Sahara crossing is an example!! but, why not! Although, I'm not sure what kind of job would get you this opportunity. Maybe if you were someone like a tourist guide or someone who is taking photographs or involved in making a documentary about the place you are traveling or exploring! You can do something similar even in your country. As a start, you might look for what skills or even hobbies you have and how you can employ them into a job/career and a way of living , even temporarily. Adopt a project where you can travel around to accomplish a learning experience or a mission! These are just some thoughts that came to my mind.. and hope you will find some other ones. Best wishes! :)

Vancouver canucks and chicago wolves? hodgson?

Since the canucks affiliate is now the Chicago Wolves... Will our players from moose move to chicago?like hodgson, schroeder, lack, and all?

Poll: Do you like Joe Camel?

I'm not talking about whether or not you like or endorse cigarettes, but do you like the mascot Joe Camel?

Whats the name of episode 6 in teen wolf?

i want to make a schedule of all episodes but idk the name or airing date of teen wolf episode 6. help?

On scrubs why did Kim lie to J.D. about having a miscarriage?

In Scubs; Season 6, Episode 8, J.D. took Carla, Elliot, Janitor, Keith and Ted along for the ride to Tacoma for Kim's first ultrasound just to find out from Kim that she had a miscarriage, but later on in the show as it turns out, Kim is still pregnant with his child. Why did she lie to him?

What wouAttitude of Islam towards other religions ld you like to ask?

lynda m, no, islam does NOT say that other religions should be destroyed... really, it doesn't, but some muslims might believe that, it doesn't mean their right... not all muslims are the same, some are crazy, some christians are crazy too, but it doesn't mean all of them are...

How can i make a Model of a character, explode into Pixels in 3Ds Max?

Im making a trailer for the Zelda Twilight Princess and im trying to Make My wolf model transform into Link. but i want it to Look just like in the game. so how can i make a model of a character explode into Particles on 3Ds Max?

:/ friend crush problemmm blah blah blah balh?

Those people aren't your best friends if that is how they treat you. You should really get new ones.

Can anyone give me advice on a drawing(preferably male but doesnt rlly matter)?

I was asked by my uncle to draw him a tattoo. The only specifications he gave me was that he wanted a father/daughter symbolization being it a wolf and cub, dragon andwas t baby, tiger and cub so on and so forth he said any animal I wanted and he wanted it to symbolize father and daughter and other then that he wants his daughters name "Makayla rae" somewhere in the picture hidden where you have to really look hard to tell its there. I am think of doing a wolf and wolf cub either both howling at the moon and have them both tribal with a tribal moon and stars. I was going to have a star for each letter of her first name and each star would be tribal with the letter hidden in it and the moon would be tribal with the second name rae hidden inside it. But I was also thinking instead just the father could be howling and the baby curled up at his feet or they could both be nuzzling each other or the father could be howling up at the moon and the baby be curled up on top of the moon symbolizing that she is far away because right now they are in different states. But im not sure if he would like this or not. Can someone please tell me your ideas of how you think i should do it and what I could add to it or if i should change it completely and use a totally different animal or way of doing. I just need some ideals and help making a choice. Thanks for reading this and takin the time to answer and sorry for this being so long!

Trebuchet Problem??? Need help asap!?

A war-wolf or trebuchet is a device used during the Middle Ages to throw rocks at castles and now sometimes used to fling large vegetables and pianos as a sport. A simple trebuchet is shown in the figure below. Model it as a stiff rod of negligible mass, d = 2.55 m long, joining particles of mass m1 = 0.110 kg and m2 = 70.5 kg at its ends. It can turn on a frictionless, horizontal axle perpendicular to the rod and 12.0 cm from the large-mass particle. The operator releases the trebuchet from rest in a horizontal orientation. Find the maximum speed that the small-mass object attains.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Please read.completely, details are important.?

Ok, I have one bikini, the bottoms to which ride, and show an obvious camel toe. They are not too tight, as I actually had to tighten the string ties to keep it from falling off. They are white, if that has anything to do with it. And this is the only thing I have this problem with, all other underwear, jeans bikinis etc, fit fine, unless they are pulled up ridiculously high for some reason (not a common occurrence). Why is this one bathingsuit bottom this way? And what can I do abt it?

If one day wildlife start roaming the cities or towns what would happen?

since people are ruining there habitats and making them closer to humans how can we deal with this?imagine waking up looking out your window and seeing monkeys in your trees and wolves resting in your backyard. smh war between animals and humans are never going to end unless 2012 comes true.

Halloween costume ideas anyone?

So, Halloween is coming up, and I need a good (slightly sexy) costume! So I was thinking a Tiger, Ninja, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (A sexy female edition of course) , or a Wolf, which sounds better? :] If you have any suggestions let me know, if not, which is your favorite?

Airsoft snow wolf m99 trigger parts?

So I took apart my m99 because it was slam firing and it's the sears that aren't working. I know this because I brought it to a shop but they didn't have the parts. Now I'm not sure what the sears are so if someone can describe them that would help. I also know I kinda destroyed these two springs that seem to have held the spring back when I pulled the bolt back. I've looked everywhere for replacement spring things (I'm pretty sure these are the sears) but I can't find em so if someone can post a link thanks :) I'd also look at a whole new trigger box if needed. I know its aps2 compatible but I have no idea what that means lol. Any links or info will help, thanks!

Brown vaginal discharge, never had period!?

I never had my period. I found it in my panties, it's rather thin, color of fallow or dark camel, no smell or itchiness. (Sorry for so many details) I usually got clear discharge for about 4 months until today. I changed my underwear a few hours ago, but it appened again, please help me.

Why are bears so fast?

They're big(or fat) yet run as fast as a wolf. I once saw a vid of a beat chasing down a wolf and eating it for breakfast. Actually I'm not sure if the wolf was eaten, but the bear did manage to chase him down. how's that even possible?

Does it worth it to watch Teen wolf?

I lovvvve Teen Wolf. I don't know if it's like TVD, but I just started watching TVD today & the concept is kind of alike... supernatural creature in high school, girl falls in love with them, blah blah blah. :) It's on MTV every Monday at 10/9 central. The newest episode (episode 5) is showing again today at 5:30 central time. :)

What do you think of these names?

the names are pretty, i love oceana. But the other anner is true. Try mixing it up a bit. for example my sim had to girls and i named one gazelle because of her tan skin and big eyes, and the other one Adelaide after Adelaide, Australlia. n_n ifor twins itd b super cute to name the two girls Odile and Odette from Swan Lake. Thats what im planning n_n Good Luck!

Coronation street: does anyone else want Maria and Carla to get it on?

I have googled it and absolutely nada. Am I the only one that thinks they're both gorgeous, both potentially bi curious, and they have a fabulous chemistry, and the street needs more lesbians!?! Does anybody else think they'd be a hot couple?

When does teen wolf air on bell expressvu?

i live in canada, and i have bell expressvu, i was wondering what channel (number) time and day Teen Wolf is played at. Thanks a million :)

Math Question? Please help answer ..?

Carla collected w pounds of garbage on city clean-up day. Omel collected three times as much. Kay collected 8 pounds less than Omel. What is the expression to show the number of pounds of garbage collected ?

Are there any counselors out there willing to talk to a troubled soul on yahoo messanger?

im not one of them wierd people that like to mess with others....i just need to talk about some things and get some feedback and help me yahoo username is please only add if you are the real deal. thanks :)

Is a ram strong enough to defend against a wolf?

I've looked everywhere on google for the answer but I just can't find it. I want to know because I refuse to believe that male sheep are too weak to defend themselves.

Corrie: How did Janice pull dishy Trev!?

Yeah he is quite dishy and he has a nice personality, unlike gobby chav battleaxe Janice. No way would she pull him in real life. I like dhim with Carla.

Finding A Movie that i saw when i was aroound fiveish?

when i was llittle, me and my sister rented a set of movies from the scottsville library, and i remember it was like a bunch of fairytales, and it wasn't animated it was real people. in one part i remember one of the mainish characters was sitting in a tree with a girl and he was trying to hide his wolfs tale i think. I know alot if this makes no sense but i wasn't much older than 5 when we got these, but i REALLY want to watch them again o if you have any idea what im talking about please put it under here. Thanks.

I had a regular nintendo game system with a gold colored game it had camels you could ride anyone know it?

when i was younger i had a nintendo game system and i got a gold game from a second hand store i am not really sure what the name was. But i remember you could ride camels and it had battles and i think a desert but i am very interested to know the name so maybe i could get it for my ds someone please help me :(

Could i have diabetes if my mum has it?

UM my nutritionist says that diabetes is not about genes but the food you eat. If you live under the same roof, it is likely that you will be eating the same foods that caused the diabetes. So *Shrug*

New moon rising by wolf mother?

If you have listen to la woman by the doors it sounds like the chorus from new moon rising. Its about 5 mins in. Its not exactly like it but you know what i mean. what do you guys think?

Where can I get a door stop for a Wolf Dehydration kit?

I have a Wolf built in oven with a dehydration kit. I need a replacement door stop for the kit but I'm struggling to find one. Wolf do not sell them as a spare part and I don't want to fork out for a new kit. Any advice greatly appreciated. (I've checked eBay!)

Does anyone know how the poem goes about cigarettes?

it starts out like miss pall mall was walking down chesterfield ave... and it ends something like if she dont look like a camel in 9 months it would be a lucky strike

How much are cigarettes in Branson, MO?

I'm going to be there on business for a week and need to know if I should stock up before I leave or if I can get them cheaper there. I live in Corvallis, OR and Camel Lights are a bit more than $5.50 right now. Thanks!

Why did he give up so easily why didnt he value me more ?

what should i do i need good advice. last week i told my close male friend the friendship had ended. for the last 2 years ive helped him get on his fee, helped financially-the lot. he repays with half truths and blantant lies, takes me for granted and i just had enough but i feel empty without him, when he was ok he was the most wonderful friend you could ask for but the lies arw too much. whats also hurtful is after everything and not a word. we had a huge row a week ago because he kept lying about this girl he was seeing. i knew she was scamming him and she did but it was the straw that broke the camels back. but now i miss him-this is crazy but its hurful to think he doesnt even give a damn what should i do pls help

Modern red riding hood?

how to incorporate and essence of red riding hood into my wardrobe. I love the style of amanda seyfried in red riding hood so things similar to her wardrobe in the movie would be nice. where to buy articles of little red riding hood clothing/ jewelry? Im going into high school and love little red riding hood I want my clothes and jewelry to make people think of the story but without overdoing it (I don't want to look like Im wearing a costume). I liked the idea of subtle things like wolf jewelry and a red coat:)

Brewers in New York...what is the significance?

Some Brewer fan who should know this team goes up or down like a roller coaster team facing the Yankees with a pitching gap in strength due to Marcum not at a 100% and Sabathia in mostly tough form. I don't think he is that friendly (he left us for the money and I met him seemed arrogant and distant) with being with us for only one year. lol Your comments are part right and mostly off base. I only hope some of our weakest hitters this year like Hart, and Mcgehee come to life. Betancourt, and Gomez have to continue to shine. My only favorite pitcher on the team is Ax and he does it by sticking with it, one thing my coach always said to do. Don't let historic Yankee Stadium be a distraction or any of the rude Yankee fans. They remind me of Cubby world here. I have played on hostile turf and speak from some experience. When the opposing team and fans can get nasty play hard. The umpires won't give you an inch on any call and if they do maybe the stars are lined up for this team. I hope the Brewers are mentally tough as well as physically tough here.......(I expect to be ignored lol)

Concealed carry in Canada?

I was told that you can get a permit to carry a consealed weapon in Canada. However I do not know if this has ever happened. I know certain police can carry off duty but a civilian? I'm sure it has only been issued to judges or witnesses in extream situations. I have had my life threatened by some pretty serious people while working as a correctional officer. Does anyone know if the government has actually issued these to anyone. I'm sure the new Carla Hamolka has one the way this government works.

Isn't it so annoying when people bullsh*t!?

My friend has been horse riding once and she bragged to other day to me and some girls that she was an amazing horse rider and can jump 5 poles which is bullcrap because I've been riding for 9 years and I can only do cross poles. She said that she was a figure skater when all she has done is gone with me 4 times, I've been a skater for 8 years and can only slightly do a camel spin, She said she was a famous model which could be true except the famous part. She said that she was related to the queen and somehow her mum is from new zealand when one day she said she was from austria. She said her grandma was struck by lightning 5 times...And she always has to top me...Like i say 'I want to be a model' she says 'I am already one' or me saying 'I can't wait to go to florida' she says 'I'm going to california!' When she clearly isnt, she's going to france...

How do i go about looking up my grandpas death?

i live in the small Town of weatherford tx my grandfather hung himself in the cemetery when i was 2 i remember him even though my mom says i was to little to remember anything about him. he hung himself in the cemetery across the street where we lived with mine & my sisters jump rope that much i know but i want to try to get more information his name is mathias hernandez dies may22 1977 weatherford tx my family is so secretive the only person that told me what happened was my aunt carla & she died last year of cancer so i want to find out more how do i go about doing this? do the libraries carry information that far back?

Where to buy cheap wolf contacts?

I want to dress up as a werewolf for halloween, and I want to get the contacts early just in case. Where can I go to get cheap prescription wolf eye contacts? It has to be prescription because I am totally blind.

Help making more close friends?

I'm in 8th grade, leaving in a month for high school. I've been at this school for so long and it seems like my close friends are migrating away and shifting to my other close friend, Carla. Carla is kinda my competitor at the same time... but we love each other like sisters. I wanna be closer to these girls and I admit lately I've been very quiet and I don't even know why! Stress? Anyway, what attracts teenage girls to be friends with others? I play sports, sense of humor, got a boyfriend, I don't know whats up!? By the way, there are only 50 kids in my class, 30 of which are girls and only 20 have anything in common with me once so ever! Thanks for the help!

Where can I get camel colored, knee high, flat boots? Also, how much? See pic below.. :)?

Christians? what is the purpose of the second coming of JESUS?

The Bible is a mass of contradictions because it was written, edited, and contrived by any number of handy charlatans over the passage of history and its first conception, what started out as a handy propaganda device for semitic tribes at odds with the Phillistines has become a monstorous conglomeration of confused passages and ramblings desinged to delude the common populace,creating subjected simpletons more malleable to authortarian reign.If you ever had any agricultural experience you would know, how dumb sheep are, so forget about trying to teach the little lambs of god any logic.You heart is in the right place, but its truly useless.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Good French songs for french class?

My French teacher asked me to make a cd for the class, composed of all french music thats a little more modern i guess, and relatable. I really like couer de pirate and Yelle, but other than Edith Piaf and Carla Bruni, those are the only artists I know. Does any one have any ideas? Also, song names would be awesome:) thanks guys

Where do the exotic Italian looking actresses come from in corrie and emmerdale?

You know the likes of Carla and Tina off Corrie and the girl who works in the corner shop off Emmerdale? (Can't remember her name) Someone told me they are Welsh? And many Welsh people look like this. I've always wondered. Wow! they're georgeous..I'm not

Thou shalt not kill? Isn't this a little ironic given that the Hebrew Bible is full of killings?

Because that's the Israelite justification. What happened was that there was a religious/cultural war between the different Semitic tribes around the collapse of the Bronze Age and the Jews massacred their enemies, possibly to stop being massacred themselves, it's hard to know for sure. And then they told us after the event that god had instructed them to do it to, you know, make it seem more acceptable. It is pretty nasty, but it was a bad time to be alive. The Sea Peoples were raiding the Levantine coast, wiping out civilisations 1000s of years old, the regional trade routes [and food supplies] broke down and people were scared and fighting for their lives. You can't really judge them by today's standards.

Baby names...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Fun..aubrey brookelyn clara delsa eliza felicity gemma hayden isabelle jocelyn katrina lily morgan naomi ophelia penelope quinn seraphina tessa una victoria willow xiomara yazmine zenalee

Do you know this song?

On MTV there's a a show that airs called Teen Wolf. During one of the scenes specifically the one where Scott and Allison start kissing there's a song playing in the background and I cant find the name anywhere so do you recognize the songs that's playing? Really appreciate any answers! :)

Recommended me some French artists?

what are some really good french artists - i don't mind anything, just as long it isn't classical. i mean like hip hop, r&b, and female artists like carla bruni. thanks :) x

This happens sometimes when I smoke cigarettes, might sound kinda stupid?

sometimes when I smoke cigarettes my legs start to tingle or feel weird? I don't know if it's just me or the cigarettes, but whenever I do this happens. Not all cigarette brands, just camel menthols or I feel a little buzz.

How do you get past the web in the Legend of zelda twilight princess whilst being wolf link?

help im stuck on this and I really want to pass the game is there any way. the part im stuck on is the part were I pass the purple lake and I have defeated the monsters but I need to past the big web being wolf link plz help

Do you like my proposed NBA name changes?

Wolfpack is ok I guess but I don't care about the T-wolves anyways. I think the Hornets and Jazz should stay the same

Ex-friend who is unforgiving?

Long story short: I had a friend who was rude to me nearly every time we hung out either with her words or her actions. I am the shy/quiet type so I internalized it and never said anything. The straw that broke the camel's back was when she publicly humiliated me. She went away for a semester to study abroad and I decided to ignore her. We both graduated and the situation was still on my mind. I finally sent her a letter about my feelings (now 8+ months later) and she is now saying she's the hurt one because I ignored her for so long without telling her how I felt. She claims she never knew her words were so offensive. I told her I would still like to be friends but now SHE is telling ME no because she feels more wronged in the situation. What am I to do? How should I feel?

Ranking the NBA's jerseys?

All 30. Primary home and away. just rank them together. and what do you think of the wolves jerseys? should i get a beasley jersey?

Read the paragraph. Which sentence should be removed to make the paragraph more unified?

My first ride on a camel was something I will never forget. Even with my host kneeling on the ground I had to climb up a good deal. On command from its owner, the camel started up…..and up…and up. The owner told me that he had paid 3000 QR for this creature. As we started out across the dunes I was unprepared for the sideways rocking, and soon became “sea sick” on this ship of the desert.

What werewolf book is this?

I don't know the names of any of the characters but the book is about this woman that is a wolf her mom owns a store and sells witchy stuff and her father is a wolf from England I think and the mom and the father met in England and when the mother got pregnant the father thought that it would not be safe for her and the baby because of the alpha so the mother moves and when the baby grows up she tries to as much as possible blend in with humans she is not in a pack or anything. One day her father comes things happen and he and she end up beating the pack alphas from where she lives and he leaves her as the alpha. Also she started dating a god of some sort but then she leaves him when she finds out he is the cause of her braking up with her boyfriend. She also ends up falling in love with another wolf that was dating her bestfriend and her bestfriend ends up dating her human exboyfriend.

TEEN WOLF?-mtv show questions?

Okay so i've been watching that mtv show teen wolf. But i missed all the episodes, ive only seen the latest one. can someone please summaries whats happened so far and who the characters are like good and bad guys, wolfs, alpha. Thankss!:)

What do you think of these names?

Adrian for a boy or a girl... Vivian sounds like a beautiful womans name. Like a model in the making already...

In the episode "Crying Wolf" (TVD) Elena Says "There's A Box We Shouldn't Open." What Does She Mean?

I was watching it earlier today and I was confused. I kinda thought they were talking about a wedding ring box, but I have no clue. They might've meant something else. ??/ Anyyy thoouughhhtss??

I need a name for my book?

I'm writing a book about a girl who is turned into a werewolf, she owns a horse named Matter Of Time, and has a boyfriend who turns out is also a werewolf, she joins her boyfriends pack which he is the alpha male of and balances her riding career at the same time. i can't think of a name for the book, and during the book it turns out she's gifted and blah blah, she is a pure white wolf, the only white werewolf that has ever been. the werewolves are giant wolves that are taller then a full grown horse. they don't stand on two feet, they are just giant wolves.

What are the best ciggarettes?

i smoke maybe a pack every week and its always camel crushes (i like menthol). i just want to know what you guys' favorite smokes are.

Is there a correct context to commit genocide?

Be sure that God Never said that , the man who wrote the scripte who said it , God never give permission to kill women ,children and Civilian men .

I need opinions, am I ugly?

Actually, no, your really pretty. prettier than me at least. Is the girl that said this like really pretty because if not she shouldn't be criticizing you. I can understand if you really were like but ugly but your not at all. I guess if I had to compare you to one animal, it might be a horse, but idk why lmao. But otherwise you don't look like a horse. uh hope i helped with that :)

What do you think Xherdan Shaqiri?

Looks like a good player impressive in the European Under-21 Football Championship for Switzerland. Signed him in Fifa career mode for Wolves does the trick on the left wing.

Carla's new contreversial Storyline?

ermmm.... well maybe she should have stood by Maria and listened to her but Carla most certainly does not deserve to be both sexually and physically assaulted!!!! She might not always be nice but she doesn't deserve this and Frank is the only person that supports her when she starts drinking again so it's no wonder she trusts him... I'm gonna feel sorry for her! no one deserves that kind of thing to happen to them!!!

Why is the movie "Sucker Punch" called uhm Sucker Punch?

I've watched it. The ending was a bit weird, everything else was just as I expected: action, hot chicks, cool visuals, a confusing plot, and Carla Gugino's sexy accent. But I just don't understand... why they'd pick that title?!

Question about future tense in Spanish?

I believe this is the present tense (quiere). When one verb comes after another verb, in this case 'wants to change' the "a" is not needed as it is implied in the infinitive form of the verb (cambiar=to change).

Can anyone help me write this story?

i am wanting to write a story on this one movie the girl who leapt through time. possibly do a crossover of Naruto and the girl who leapt through time. i want some help with the dialogue, the actions everything in the movie the girl who leapt through time cause there is very few stories on fanfiction of this anime movie. i want to write a story based off the movie and then do a crossover as well. i don't want criticism or nasty comments i hate those as much as the next person does. i really love this movie and i want some help on getting it down in words. if anyone wants to look at my account on fanfiction here is my name that you can look up on the author search engine of the site of fanfiction. Crystal-Wolf-Guardian-967 that is my name and i hope i can get some response to this question and the ideas i have on the bottom of my profile. ideas help me greatly......

What is on your bucket list?

so i'm 13 and i've started a bucket list like last year and i've passed off quite a few things like: Watch Pride and Prejudice(that was a hard one i may be a girl but i DON'T watch chick flicks) i've eaten Heart, pulled an all nighter, Read Phantom of the Opera(new favorite book), Go to a drive through at 3 in the morning, Learn Sign Language (i'm still working on that i took it last year in school and will take it again) Become left handed, Learn to be ventriloquist (not super good at that but i can...) there are still a lot more i want to do like Master the Piano, Learn the Banjo and Harp, Eat brain, go in a helicopter, Save someone's life by using CPR, Witness someone get arrested, go skydiving, ride on an elephant, ride on a camel, get married and live in Australia and SO many more? What is on your guys bucket lists? :)

What did Dr. Kelso say to Carla when they were talking about that mole on Curk's lip?

In Scrubs, Curk had a mole on his lip that Carla had a problem with and she was talking to Dr. Kelso about it and he said something about his wife's snoring and how when she's gone he can't sleep. But I need his exact words.

How to make my name mean "Little Tai" in Spanish?

It would be "Tai Peque�a". The adjective for "little" comes AFTER the word it describes, rather than BEFORE, as in English. English is a Teutonic language, Spanish is a Romance language (related to the language of ancient Rome, which was Latin). The "a" ending is used to make it feminine. "ito" or "ita" could be added to "poco" (little) to indicate that it's VERY small or to DESCRIBE something small. e.g. poquito, poquita. The "c" becomes "q" to keep the pronunciation correct. "peque�a" may also denote "youth" as well as size.

Who are the 10 best Coronation Street characters ever?

I'd say, from 10 to 1: Hilda Ogdon, Ken Barlow, Mike Baldwin, Carla Connor, Fred Elliot, Danny Baldwin, Elsie Tanner, Roy Cropper, Becky McDonald, Richard Hillman and number 1, Tony Gordon.

Wolf and Spice light novel?

Where does the end of the last episode of season 2 start in the light novels(which volume and chapter). I want to know this so I dont have to read the story I already watched in the anime series.

Can someone interpret this?

For the first one I must ask, have you recently hurt any animals? either on purpose or not. It may be your guilty conscience that causes you to feel remorse in the form of vengeful ducks.

How to remove wrinkles from a polka dotted dress in photoshop cs4?

I'm trying to remove these wrinkles in photoshop. How can I remove it from a patterned polka dot dress. (The wrinkle looks like the letter Y between the model's leg, sorta like a camel toe, lol) What can I do to remove it without messing up the dress' pattern?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Some best makeup products?

I wanted to get some new makeup to create new looks, what would be your favorite makeup products? Include color/brand please (: thanks, Carla

Who will be next to go?

Hmmn, i heard graeme was going:( him and becky are my favourites so is will be a shame if they both go. Apart from them i think possibly tina or gail, Gail feels she doesnt really fit in any more i think, and without graeme tina doesnt really have as much of a character, or she could leave by running off with graeme?

Corrie: Will Frank attack another woman?

Like you said hopefully Carla i would like that I cant stand her at present the way she treats Maria etc.

I am so very evil help?

hey uys. im really evil i dont know what to do. i like wolfs and dogs and foxs and dont like people especially you LOL! (omg im doing it again''!!! you see?? im so mean) i hate everyone soooo yeah what should i do about it??? i love blood too ok? what should i do? please???!!!!:!?

Friend troubles..please help?

Okay, so a few months ago my bestFriend moved away. And I've become alot more dperessed than I was, and like they say ' you don't know what you have until it's gone'. Well everyday i'll post on her wall or send her a message on facebook hoping she's okay, and that i miss her and love her. We have been bestfriends for years. And been through everything together. But my other mate is apprently in love with her because they're both bisexual. My friend only reveleaved she was on the night she was leaving though when we all had a massive sleepover. but on that night she didnt know and niether did all of us know she was gonna go the next day. Until on the sunday of that weekend I got a phone call saying she was on the train. Anyway my bestfriend is seeing my other friend, and my other friend is abit of a control freak and always gets what she wants. And does whatever she wnats, and the world basically evolves round her. Anyway my friend always takes the mick out of me for everything and always calls me pathetic because i self harm and that im down. And today my best friend is coming home to see her dad and us. But we're all having a bbq tomorrow with her. But my bestfriend keeps asking her ' can we' have an hour or two hours away from everyone else' and its like my bestfriend will only be there for a few hours, and if my other friend is gonna take her away for an hour its not fair becuse im her bestfriend. I know they're inlove but its i'm her bestfriend at the end of the day and i've been there for her for years. And as soon as my friend likes her its all about her, and now she thinks she can control her and stop me from seeing her for her benefit. I just want to see my bestfriend and its causing so many arguments with the rest of my friends and im getting called jealous, but im straight. And i know that my friend will cheat on my bestfriend and then if it was the other way round she would bite my bestfriends head off for doing that. It's not fair i love my bestfriend too, and missed more than anything in the world. I pratically cry about her every week. But my friend keeps saying ' im her girlfirend you're just her mate' like im nothing to her, but i love her and i miss her so much and i feel i cant see her because im not as important.. please come up woth something i should do. But i think my friend is turing my bestfriend against me, because she keeps sending messages to my bestfriend saying that ive been saying nasty things to her. But all ive been asking is that we should stop pestering my bestfriend to come to each of our houses because we shouldnt make her feel pressurised but then my friend was like ' i do what i want, and your ruining my relarionship, what do you want me to do finish her? thats what you want' and calling me a control freak, but all i want to is see my bestfriend, but apprently im not as important. But my bestfriend is very vunerable and will agree with everything my friend says, because my friend is very intimidating and powerful. So I know whatever my friend asks my bestfriend will jump to it. I just dont know what to do, I cant do anything and im losing my bestfriend and once my friend has had eough of her everything will be ruined and i would have fell out with my bestfriend. But we once met her at shopping center and she was going on our train to get home, and i asked her at the beginning of the day ' can i sit next to you' and she said yes but then my friend asked her just before we got on the train and i said i've already asked her and then she was like ' why cant i just sit next to her, im the one in love with her and we're seeing each other' and then all my other friends were calling my jealous, and my bestfriend was stuck in an awkward position, but eneded up sitting next to her. And now when she comes down, my friend asks ' dont start crying if i take carla for some time with me' but its like shouldnt we all share her. Its just not fair, i know they're seeing each other but as soon as my other friend wants something im pushed out of the door.

I got this jumpsuit. what colour of shoes?10 Pts!?

yesterday i got this really nice jumpuit. its a camel colour on the bottom with a large bow and cream at the top. im 14 and only allowed to wear about 3-4 inch wedges... any links for shoes please?? :)

Another magic question for the rule book?

if i play the howl of the night pack card and i have creatures that produce green mana, would those creatures contribute to the howl of the night pack's ability? i.e. i have five forest and two llanawar elves. how many wolves would i get?

Help with my yahoo email being sent to my contacts by another site that did not give permission nor did I visi?

This is spam. Your address book got hacked. What you need to do first is change your password immediately. Then, send out an email to apologize to all your contacts. Tell them you have fixed the problem.

What o you think I should say or do about these people who neglect their dogs?

maybe you should volunteer to bathe them.... or maybe you should call animal control if your that worried

I can't find anymore good anime. Anyone know any good ones?

Hetalia Axis Power/World Series is hilarious, Ouran High School Host Club is funny, and Fruits Basket is a nice mix. Sorry if you've seen them ^^ Hetalia, is my personal favorite out of the listed, though.

Britians: Why are you all so balls deep into princess diana?

Seriously, she did nothing for anyone but waste the tax payers money and be a raging whore. I don't why everyone act like she cured cancer or something. She also pisses me off because her death (which was hilarious! lolz) over shadowed Biggie Small's death just because she was royalty. Biggie did more for the world then that camel toed harlot. Thats another thing, stop listening to tupac and biggie and acting like you can relate to the music. You limeys have no idea what hood life is like.

What is the best nancy drew PC game?

I have played Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake, and almost finished The White Wolf of Icle Creek. P.S I'm not really into the REALLY scary ones, just and interesting one:) Thanks!

What do you think of this AMV?

Awesome AMV! Great Timing! Check out my videos at a href="" rel="nofollow"

Do you like the name Carlota?

Carlota grabriela and marcela are pretty names. The others are different... But whatdver sounds best!

How long does it take for this ball to travel over home plate?

Carla throws a baseball at 150km/h. Calculate the time, in seconds, for the ball to travel over home plate, a distance of 0.22metres.

How do you get rid of camel crickets?

we have camel crickets mostly in our bathroom i think they are coming from our faucets in our shower and its disgusting having them around

What order are the jordan belfort books meant to be read in?

one book is titled, "the Wolf of Wall Street", and the other is "catching the Wolf of Wall Street"

I've got some green alligators and long necked geese?

Giggles one of my grandmothers ( God bless her soul) favorite songs, she was a huge fan of Bill Anderson, her and my grandfather traveled to his concerts regularly even had him and the band for dinner occasionaly during his later concerts. :))) That song was a regular favorite of his to perform or have little ones perform it with him. Thanks :)))) Great song, nice memory's :))) xo

People who wach teen wolf plz help?

Wats the song that plays after he walks out of the house with the Bullet and its like (suger and spice giv me somthing nice ) or somthing along the lines of that

What are the best cigarettes to smoke? (SMOKERS ONLY)?

For almost a year now I've been smoking Newports and about a month ago I moved up to Newport 100's and for some reason they have started tasting kinda bad and I'm looking for a new brand. I also have smoked a few packs of Marlboro Red 100's and those don't taste very good. A friend of mine told me that Camel Menthols are probably the best menthol cigarette. But anyway I don't really care what brand any of you recommend or if there menthol or not. I would just like a new brand reccomendation because I'm getting tired of Newports.

Could this report be correct, or have they overlooked how difficult it is to find a partner when fat or obese?

But there is no indication that body type and size plays a factor in this survey. True, we would need to see the raw data and if that was even a consideration. The study may also have determined that this generation is not as interested in casual sex as previous ones were as well.

Will someone bite me a turn me into a werewolf?

I am an honest hard working individual that doesn’t give up on anything. I am fairly strong and am more than capable of defending a pack. I know many fighting styles and have a knack for getting strong and faster than others better than me. I learn fast and will do as told by an alpha or those of higher command. I take orders well and execute them efficiently as possible. I am not able to shift but I know I am a wolf by heart and blood. You can sense it yourself in person. If your willing to give me a shot at a pack spot i will swear to you my loyalty. I know there is some people that will post here saying I am dillusional and mental. I understand what i am saying and i respect your opinions but please show me some respect as well and don't leave stupid comments.

Looking For A New Anime To Watch... Any Suggestions?

try these 2 sites it dub and subs okay. i hope it helps. here my list yuyuhaksho and shaman king and zoids 1 2 and 3

This or that? /girls names\?

Ami, Bethany, Carla, Danielle, Fiona, Gillian, Hannah, Isabelle, Jessica, Kirsty, Lauren, Melissa, Nicole, Orla, Paige, Qiana, Rachel, Sophie, Tara, Una, Vanessa, Whitney, Xenia, Yessica, Zara

Friday, July 15, 2011

In Eastenders who would win in a catfight between Eastenders Ronnie and Coronation Streets Carla?

Carla! Ronnie is too mentally ill to fight. I find it hard to believe that somebody capable of achieving a top grade in English had no idea of what a Caps Lock is! I'm disappointed in you, TB!

I want to be a Wolf Shapeshifter?

I have always wanted to be able to shift into a wolf. I believe that this is what I'm destined to be. I want to physically be able to shift into a wolf. I love Twilight, but this is not why I want to be a wolf. I've wanted this every since I was 12 years old.

A book question!!!!!!! Idk if it's good or not.?

I started reading The Hunger Games on a plane & I thought it was really boring in the first coupla chapters. My mom said that was the plane. I read it more & kinda liked it but didn't find it as interesting as the usual books I read about werewolves sush as The Wolves Of Mercy Falls series or Maximum Ride series. I like fantasies & mutants. Do u think it's a good book & would I like it?!?!

How good is my play I wrote (part 1)?

It's not very creative and I don't know anyone who speaks like that. And I really doubt that a teacher would immediately send two girls to the "headmaster's" office for simply passing a note (and who passes notes these days?) And who would say "I'm appalled. . ." unless they were being sarcastic. And Saturday school for a note? And teachers don't call me Miss Lastname, they use my first name.

I looking for a fruity cigarette or a really good flavor ?

IK your probably more into ciggarettes, try swisher sweets they have a GREAT flavor but i dont inhale them because they are ciggarellos. But it's no different inhaling a ciggarette than a ciggarello. :)

Smokers: What was your first cigarette?

One of my dads when he smoked,that was back in probably 1982 i was like 11,he smoked these menthol generic,they don't make them anymore.They were called GPC i'm assuming that stood for generic pack cigarettes.1st i ever bought was NewPort,currently i'm trying to quit i'm down to 2 and a 1/2 a day,single cigarettes (not packs). I smoke Pall Mall menthol 100's.They're cheap,i figure might as well commit suicide as cheaply as possible.

Are you willing to kill a camel to stop global warming?

Instead of using rituals of sacrificing animals, Why not go to the source of the problems...China's Industrial Complex that is discharging in their smokestacks all types of airborne pollutants that have polluted their river systems, the air they breathe and travels northward to melt the North Pole Regions.

Why do muslims drink camel urin as their holy script advise them to?

it doesnt say to do that... it says he told them to. thats like me asking why you dont get lyposuction when a doctor a thousand years ago told someone to.

I have a little fuzzy tiger,but when in heats all night long purrs,any advice?

Get him a mate?Got him,my neighbour cat and all i did was hear more screams,how long will they 2 purr?Why i they purring and not get it over with it already so we can all get some sleep...How long will it take for a cat to mate with another and stop purring so loud?It s like a ware wolf but it s a cat and the purring is so please will you answer me about what i asked?10points best answer,5 stars

Step daughter and ex girlfriend dilemma add in a break out of head lice...and it makes one big problem..ugh!?

So last weekend my step daughter went home after my fiance's weekend with her, I have 4 kids of my own btw...Well come Monday morning her mother messages me angry and saying that every time her daughter comes home from MY house she's infested with head lice. For one I was offended that this was being brought up to me by her and not my fiance apparently he was embarrassed to bring it to my attention. She went on to say she wasn't going to allow her daughter over anymore because of this, and then started rambling on trying to get me to feel sorry for her because she's a single mother "doing it on her own". Basically the message seemed to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. My biggest concern here is what should I do now, I have FOUR children to treat for head lice and most parent's know this takes more than one treatment and allot of hard work. My fiance still wants to bring his daughter over but not have her spend the night and "make sure we send her home clean". My concern is also for MY children, she can't say this started with my kids and if she does come over the ex could still SAY her daughter went home "infested" again just out of spite. Does anyone have any kind and helpful advice??

He's 19, and has a girlfriend, but he's flirting with a 15-year-old?

i think it's none of your business and you should stay out of it. if he wanna go flirting with a 15 year old and get in trouble that's on him. if he ends up cheating on her whether she stays or leaves him is on her.

Im looking for a good anime or manga?

Im looking for an anime that has action,samurai's,ninjas,and demons,dragoms and wolf and alots of blood. Can you please list some good anime that has those feature

What do you believe are some of the oldest dog breeds on earth?

There are etchings of pharaoh hounds inside 2000 year old tombs. Other then that i don't know for sure.

Tv Show Teen Wolf Question!?

So i seen an Episode of Teen wOlf last night and i decided to start watching it online but the first episode starts off as Episode 101 why does it start at 101 and not episode 1? how long has this show been out.?

They pulled off 9/11 and there will be another attack are you prepared for martial law?

We've seen all the videos. We've seen the paper trails. We've heard their excuses and they know George Bush and his cabinet were involved in 9/11 and it was committed by the Mossad. Do we need some Lone Wolves to go after those guilty of committing 9/11/

Help with my monologue analysis?

It seems like your character is a therapist hose goal is to help the person she is speaking to realize that they are stupid in trying to commit suicide ...they're worth more. she seems fed up with the person she is talking to and is trying to get through their thick skull. The obstacle is obviously the patient and their stubborn attitude in constantly attempting to commit suicide when everyones life is crap and why is he dwelling on his situation so much?


I heard it off of Teen Wolf and some of the lyrics are: im beyond repair because of you youu youu hoo hoo iii iii i can't get enough enough so i keep on walking broken glass for youu you,not sure if that last part is right though

Why am i missing him after everything hes done ?

what should i do i need good advice. last week i told my close male friend the friendship had ended. for the last 2 years ive helped him get on his fee, helped financially-the lot. he repays with half truths and blantant lies, takes me for granted and i just had enough but i feel empty without him, when he was ok he was the most wonderful friend you could ask for but the lies arw too much. whats also hurtful is after everything and not a word. we had a huge row a week ago because he kept lying about this girl he was seeing. i knew she was scamming him and she did but it was the straw that broke the camels back. but now i miss him-this is crazy but its hurful to think he doesnt even give a damn what should i do pls help

I like my boyfriend to put me in submission holds befoer we have sex is it odd of me?

the moves i like best are the camel clutch really is a lot of fun you should try this one on your other half i love it the ankle lock hurts but in a good way . And i also like being put in the Boston crab and being told how bad a girl i am(my bf only dose this when i say i wont sleep with him if he do sent do it to me ) anyone else feel the same way

Cigarette changing question?

Okay, so, I recently started smoking Marlboro Reds and I don't mind the taste. I've been smoking for maybe 3 days now, 1 or 2 a day. Today, I bought a pack of Camel Crushes. My question, can I change my brand of cigarettes or will it be a bad idea to blend the two? And please don't tell me smoking all together is a bad idea. I'm just asking a question.

I need help with a female name?

Instead of Carla, what about Carlina? And I don't know if you want it to start with A, you just said not L, so Alyssa?

I know this may not be "PC", but isn't Carla Bruni a little "advanced in age" to be pregnant?

I truly hope the baby has no birth defects. I think this sets a BAD example for older women who may not have the access to state of the art health care and technology she has to carry out this birth. I also hope this is not an election stunt for Sarkozy.

Who has best wife or GFs among this?

i like the girl in the first link the best. link 3 is also really hot. then kate middleton. then the last link. then link #2. then link #5

What kitty name should i choose[list of kitty names.]?

Hi Moose S. You haven't purchased the cat yet, correct? So why not wait until you actually get it. It may already have a (great) name and then you won't have to figure out what to call "it". Cats usually pick their owners (believe or not) and so your (black) cat maybe a wonderful gray, or white, who knows...good luck in finding the perfect companion for yourself. In the mean time, start buying all those items you are going to need for it. It isn't cheap, perhaps figure on $300-500 a year and vets bills etc.Shots, neutering/spaying on and on. Hope this also helps your decision.

What type of guinea pig do i have?

I have this guinea pig named Carla. I don't know what type of guinea pig she is but i would like to know. can someone help please

The name of a Movie About to Woman that are Mentally challenged and they live in a institue and get to move?

I Think there names where Martha and Carla, they ended up moving out to there own Apartment. And Carla went crazy again out in public. Kirstie Alley Played one of the Women!

Is this a good opener for a story?

I liked it. It kind of gets you "hooked' to the story. The only thing I would is add in is more periods so you dont have any runons espesially in the 1st paragraph. Really good thoough. I want to read it

Isn't this Bible verse enough to draw the conclusion that ''God'' isnt too fond of capitalism?

''I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.''

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Where can I find this song by Wes Carr?

On the new trailer for Teen Wolf the Australian trailer the song they have playing is "Stranded" by Wes Carr however I have not been able to find this song anywhere including youtube. I was just wondering where would I be able to find this song

Minecraft my wolves what stand when I click on them?

They attack me when I hit them but attack sitting down and I click on them but don't stand. I don't want to kill them

What s and anime with a dog demon in it?

ok im not looking 4 inuyasha but my friend was reading a manga with a dog wolf or fot idk withch i just no its one og though t and i no it had romance in it

Teen Wolf MTV music question?

Will they release the show's score? I really like the background music, but I can't find it anywhere, it just has the lyrical music listed in the show.

Teen wolf song when scott and alison make out?

what is the name of the song when they went to her room to study and alison and scott were bout 2 have sex in her bedroom when she pushes him to the bed?

Does he really like me?

okay well theres this boy i used to like & hes a year older than me.. well about 2 years ago ,we went out & he was my first kiss, first make out.. well i was NOT good at all & i don't think he even liked me back then because he was my best friends stepbrother sooo im pretty sure she talked him into it. so yeah we were off & on & we never really used to talk anyway so he broke up with me.. well now fast forward about two years, im 14 hes 15.. hes in a grade above me & none of the girls in his grade like him, all the girls in my grade do.. but not to brag or anything, but im the prettiest girl in my grade, idts but everyone tells me & alotta guys like me. so i think im the best he can get anyway cause all the other girls that like him aren't as good looking so anyway, he got held back for 1 marking period so we were in the same grade fore a litte. well i had stopped liking him but now i like him again & we started talking alot more than we ever have. we have some things in common & stuff. well one of his close guy friends happens to be 1 of my bestriends so he tells me stuff about the boy i likewell just so ya know he knows i like him again & he would always talk to me in school & say like we needa hang out. well he doesn't have a phone so i really have no way of talking to him outsideschool besides like facebook. so finally we said we would hang 1 day so i got all ready then texted my best friend to go get him so that we could hang out well, it turns out, he was wt some of his older friends so he said tell her i cant today so i got really mad.but then i found out that he was buying "something".. for us to do (one of the things we have in common) & he said he was gonna come right back so we could but my best friend got confused & told him i couldn't hang out. soo yeah. well the next day in school, i told 1 of my girlfriends about this and she kinda said something rude to him so i started talking to him & i kinda flipped out & said like if you dont wanna hangout just dont and all this stuff like i kinda yelled because i was so mad and he kept sayin nooo i do wanna hang &all this stuff. well he never actually admitted he liked me. we went to 6 flags on a school trip & i was about to go on kingdaka when i saw his group so he stopped and talked to me & asked if i went on yet & i said yeah and he asked how it was and i told him it was awesome so then i didnt think & i just asked him to go on with me and he said yes so this hillarios kid in school sits in front of us & makes kissy noises & stuff & the guy i liked laughed like he didnt tell him to stop or anything.. but we had fun on the coaster thenwen it was done i was wit my friends and he came over to were i wa standin lookin at a camel&we made small talk then i was waling in front of him and he came ova and asked wat ride i was going to and he said ill try to come. alottaguys talk bout my ***&hes 1ofem & ondabus someone saidhelookedit.... so then school comes to an end&i got mad cause i thought we wouldn't talk anymore. but then he went on facebook so we started talking on there and he said "im sorry it took me so long to admit this, but i do like you and im stupid for waiting" so we talked some more after that but he already knew i liked him sooo.. the next morning i wake up & getta message from him saying im gay i like dick dont talk to me you ugly *** whore. so i was like "umm?" and then a few hours later he said sorry it was:____: (his friend) so at first i didn't believe him but then i saw a facebook status from him at the same time, same day, saying "im gay" so it had to be the friend cause why would he call himself gay?? so then im at my best friends house & she lives rightttt across the street from his friend so they were out front & me & her were leaving her house to go to my house and he said hi to me but i didn't now he was ltalking to me so his friend called my name and said he said hi so i said hi and walked away cuz i dont like his friends. well the very next day, im with my guy bestfriend & my girl bestfriend (the guy bestfriend is his close friend too) & were walking around & we see him so my guy bestfriend calls him over and we huing out for like 10 minutes then when he was saying bye, he shook my guy friends hand & gave me a hug (hes never talked ot my girl bestfriend before) but he gave her a hug too. that night im txting my guy bestfrriend & he told me that the guy i like is afraid to hangout with me alone because he gets nervous around cute girls so he wants one of his friends to be there & he also told me that none of his friends willl go with him because they say he acts different arounf me so i said in a bad way? and my friend said yeah like he tries to act tougher and stuff.. so idk like i wana know if he gave me a hug cause he likes me & did he give my bestfriend a hug to be kind? does he like me bt just doesnt want his friends to know? does he not like me? im SOOO s

Mock trial help! i need as much info as i can possibly get!?

I need info regarding Hans and Carla Jensen, both passengers on the Titanic. In our mock trial, my group has to defend the Titanic and White Star Lines. So, I need as much information as you can give DEFENDING THE TITANIC, basically saying that Hans Jensen's death (if he really is dead) was because of his own actions, and the Titanic/White Star Lines were in no way responsible. Thank you in advance for any help!

What kind of Jeep does Stifles from Teen Wolf drive?

I like the color & the inside seems nice. All that is there for me to know is what type of Jeep it is.

Can i give Camel milk to my puppy?

My puppy loves milk so much..he used to drink cow's milk but i know its bad for him so i stopped it..i cant find goat milk and now i bought a bottle of camel milk and he drinks it..i want to know if its ok for him..

Wolf's Rain, opinion poll?

To fans of the anime, and anyone who's seen it. I've recently been watching Wolf's Rain, I saw it when it aired in '04 and loved it, so I wanted to re-acquaint myself with it. Re-watching it, I noticed something. My question is, is Cher enamored of Darcia, maybe even a little bit in love with him? In ep. 25 - false memories - Cher spots Darcia, she seems surprised and a bit excited to see him. Cher tells him to wait and runs up behind him, Darcia stops, looks over his shoulder and says,"Will you follow me into the very heart of darkness?" Darcia turns and continues walking without waiting for a response. Cher seems emotional and stunned by what he said to her; without replying, she calmly follows him into Lady Jagara's keep. I think this has a double meaning, seeing as how Darcia has never really shown anything but complete uncaring and perhaps disdain towards Jagara, it leads me to believe he certainly wasn't referring to Jagara and her keep as the heart of darkness. Darcia doesn't consider her as much of an enemy, rather an annoying pest. I think he meant the darkness which is consuming and blackening him, partly through his own volition. Also, this to me, implies that he is fully aware of Cher's fascination and possible infatuation with him, though he is apathetic about it, he cares only for Hamona. There's a preceding ep. in which Blue asks Cher if Hubb is the reason she wants to go to Jagara's keep; Cher looks away from Blue and replies non-committingly that she doesn't know. Obviously she doesn't feel for Hubb the same way he feels for her. I'm not saying she doesn't love him, I'm just saying it's not the same intense love that Hubb holds for her. Am I the only one who noticed this about Cher and Darcia? And BTW, I'm no Darcia fangirl, I rather prefer Hige, so it's not wishful thinking. P.S. Sorry for the lengthy description.

Does anybody else think Judy Reyes is insanely hot?

I really really think Judy Reyes who plays Carla in scrubs is fit. Who agrees with me? All my mates think I'm weird

Anyone have a good sibling rivalry story?

Heres mine. Im 15 and my little sisters 13. She took tjitsu and was very athletic. I was also athletic but stronger than her. She thought she could beat me in a fight. I accepted and the terms were no kicking or punching and loser had to do something embarrasing or get something done to them. I won by bullrushing my sister then putting her in a camel clutch. She submitted so i won. I then gave her a wedgie and hung her on her door till she peed herself. We never actually hated each other but i loved to mess with her. Please post you own funny stories.

Need to know how to report a dog?

Call your local animal control & report the woman. Most places have leash laws, & if her dog is always loose, she is in violation of the law.

Teen Wolf episode 5 of season 1 where can I watch without doing any survey?

I don't wanna miss this episode..this new werewolves show on MTV has made me a regular viewer..Any help to get this online?

How many personal exemptions can be claimed. Income tax return.?

The Hutters filed a joint return for 2010. They provide more than 50% of the support of Carla, Melvin, and Aaron. Carla (age 18) is a cousin and earns $5,000 from a part-time job. Melvin (age 25) is their son and is a full-time law student. He received from the university a $3,800 scholarship for tuition. Aaron is a brother who is a citizen of Israel but resides in France. Carla and Melvin live with the Hutters. How many personal and dependency exemptions can the Hutters claim on their Federal income tax return?

What color overcoat should my husband wear with a navy suit?

My husband is wondering what color overcoat he should wear with a navy suit? He has black shoes and a black belt, but I worry that wearing a black coat would make him look like a police officer! Would a gray or camel coat clash? Thanks!

Do you think the First Lady of France, Carla Bruni, is super hot?

does she do her legs and underarms? if so, yes, she's hot! some of these european women with the hairy parts just don't work for me. is that wrong?

Terrain park at wolf creek?

How are the terrain parks at wolf creek ski resort? If you've been there how good do you think they are? What kind of stuff do they have? do they have more than one park (like a beginner one, an intermediate one and an expert one?

What should I build in minecraft?

I have the animal mod so I've built a house for my horses and one for my wolves. I built my tree house and now I want some ideas cause I have a lot of empty space.

What is this anime called?

its about a bunch of wolves, ...................... i saw it on youtube and watched some of it, but i forget the name, i cant telly ou much ....... srry

Christians: Where do babies go when they die? Do you know? (see verse below)?

The reasons babies go to heaven is because they aren't old enough to decide for themselves to fallow God and they are incapable of sinning.

Scream 5 plot idea...5cream?

Starts with Trish and Carla at home alone and the phone rings. Trish answers and thinks its someone being Ghostface she hangs up. The phone rings again and Carla answers and swears but the voice replies saying he will cut her like a fish, she gets scared and he then says she must answer questions to live. She puts the phone on speaker, her and Trish get the first question right. However with the next question Ghostface asks if they always leave the front door open. The girls rush to find the door half open, they then argue but Ghostface quickly jumps out of the closet and stabs Trish dead, Carla then runs upstairs but gets chased and stabbed in the liver and thrown out of the window. The scene moves to a teenage couple Eric and Blair watching Stab 7. They talk and the phone rings and Blair answers, its Ghostface but she hangs up when he asks her questions about Woodsboro murders. The phone rings again and she shouts Eric then grabs the phone and tells Ghostface he’ll kill him but Ghostface laughs and tells him to come out onto the front porch. Eric does so and this time his cell phone rings and Ghostface says he was after the girl, Eric looks back into the house and sees him grab and stab Blair. Eric then races back into the house but the door is shut so he goes through the window and finds Blair dead the phone rings and he swears to kill Ghostface but he shows up from behind and slits Eric’s neck. The credits then roll. The scene moves to Dewey and his two deputies Hicks and Brody cleaning up the bodies and reading messages left by Ghostface that say he is after Sidney. Brody notices CW written in blood , indicating Cotton Weary. Gale and Kirby are with them and are asked to recognise the patterns and messages but they cant. She then heads of to school where she meets her friends Nicole, Wade, Sarah, Trent and Cotton’s son Travis. In class Dewey arrives and takes Travis away for questioning. They interrogate him and he believes this is only because he is Cotton’s son. His Uncle Will arrives and says this is stupid as Travis was with him last night. Travis is released. Dewey then calls Sidney and asks her to come home and informs her about Cotton’s son. Travis goes home and gets a call from Ghostface saying he will too be killed very soon but he replies violently and asks for Ghostface to show his face but he hangs up. That night Ghostface calls Rachel and tells her he’s on the front porch but she looks and he’s nowhere in sighs, he then tells her he’s didn’t mean HER porch. The scene moves to Sarah’s house and she hears a knock on the door and she opens it to see Ghostface race towards her but she tries to shut the only to have him push against it, she blocks it with a chair and runs to the phone and calls the police but Ghostface smashes the back door and chases her around the house, he catches her but she kicks him to the floor and he stabs her leg and finishes off by pinning her on the floor and stabbing her heart. The next morning Sidney arrives at the station and talks with Dewey but the police are informed about Sarah’s death and they take Sidney to the house where there is a message on the wall saying Welcome Home Sidney. Sidney meets Gale who is promoting her new book and she meets their neighbour Luke. Travis is informed about Sarah’s death and is then introduced to Sidney Prescott. The cops then realise a pattern occurring and only teenagers are being killed. Deputies are then told to keep a look out on Travis, Kirby and their friends. That night Kirby is at home with Travis, Wade, Rachel when she gets a call from the killer. He laughs and tells her she wont be surviving this sequel but she thinks it could be Trent joking, Travis then grabs the phone and is told he has a key role in this movie. The teens then run outside and inform the cops who search the area and call Dewey. He arrives and they tell him what had happened. Dewey then rushes to get to Gale and Sidney who are home alone and they receive a call from Ghostface saying they wont be surviving this time around. He then runs in from the back door and chases them but they fight back however he throws Gale on the floor and pins Sidney down to stab her but Dewey intervenes and shoots but misses allowing him to get away, Luke then arrives saying he heard noises. The next day Dewey arranges for the teens and other possible victims to meet at the station where they discuss rules. Wade says since this is the 2nd time Kirby is involved it could be an all new sequel and main characters are usually main targets but he is interrupted by Travis who seems confused as to why he’s involved for no reason. This point makes everyone think and Sidney says the killer could be a rival of Cotton who also holds a grudge against Sidney. Travis then asks Wade why other teens are being killed and he says its just for fun and scares just like in Stab 1 and 2 when Tatum and Randy were killed. They discuss targets and fingers are pointed at Trent, rachel and at gale.

Where can I buy wolf fangs?

I totally love Teen Wolf (the new MTV series) and i want to know where i could buy wolf fangs like the ones used in Teen Wolf. Thanks for the answers! I appreciate it!

Why was the global footprint so much smaller in ancient times?

I am doing a project on Jesus and I need some background information. One of things I need to do is - "Estimate the Global footprint during the time of Jesus." I am thinking the footprint would have been smaller, but I only have 1 justification and that is that they didn't have vehicles, they used donkeys and camels (I think they used camels...?) for transport. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks everyone! xox

Is Carla Gallo returning to Bones for any of these final 7 episodes?

I enjoy watching her as Daisy Wick because she is extremely funny. She dislikes being away from Emily Deschanel/ Brennan which reminded me of how I was with my favorite teacher in high school.

Should I even put in the effort?

So its towards the end of the school year, and I only have 1 exam left. My friend promised me she could give me a ride if I waited on this street corner to pick me up. I wait there for about 10 minutes and shes not there. I reach in my pocket to pull out my phone, only to find out its dead. So I walk to the end of the street and back, and by the time I get there, the police start forcing everybody off campus. I decide to borrow somebody's phone to call her, because at this point, I got no where else to go (I have 75 cents in my wallet, not even enough for the bus). She finally picks up and tells me that I wasn't there, and that she kept trying to call me, except she didn't say that, she just kept saying "its too late, its too late, its too late" after everything I said in the bitchiest tone possible. I start to get hysterical and ask why she cant just turn around since school is over and exams have only been over for about 15 minutes, she just says "im hanging up now" and I shout **** YOU into the phone. After borrowing about 20 other people's phones I finally get a ride from my mom, who cant get me until almost 2 when it was noon. So i sat outside in 90 degree weather IN THE GHETTO with nothing to do but wait. My mom picks me up and drives me home and i don't speak to her for a few days (even though she's my neighbor too). Then finally today when im out walking my dog, her dad pulls me aside and starts giving me a speech that's supposed to scare me, saying how she is real upset how i haven't forgiven her, how i shouldn't talk like that to her daughter, how I should be a man and all that macho bullshit. and i find myself standing here not giving a ****, yet at the same time feeling guilty because I don't feel guilty. She was a middle school friend who the only reason i still hung out with was because i had no friends freshmen year. She has done **** like this before countless times, and i rolled belly up because I had no other choice. The worst part is that she that she would only be my friend when she wanted to and made me feel insecure and awkward about anything I did, which really ****** with my head for a long time . To end my bitching here: she's manipulative, rude, self-centered, and all packaged behind the smug facade of some indie chick who is completely oblivious that this is the straw that broke the camel's back. Im pretty sure you can already tell already I am completely done with this person, but should I apologize to her anyway just so the next 2 years before I graduate aren't awkward? Should I feel guilty? Should I fake it? Or should I just say what i feel? (that im done with you and im not sorry)