Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is on your bucket list?

so i'm 13 and i've started a bucket list like last year and i've passed off quite a few things like: Watch Pride and Prejudice(that was a hard one i may be a girl but i DON'T watch chick flicks) i've eaten Heart, pulled an all nighter, Read Phantom of the Opera(new favorite book), Go to a drive through at 3 in the morning, Learn Sign Language (i'm still working on that i took it last year in school and will take it again) Become left handed, Learn to be ventriloquist (not super good at that but i can...) there are still a lot more i want to do like Master the Piano, Learn the Banjo and Harp, Eat brain, go in a helicopter, Save someone's life by using CPR, Witness someone get arrested, go skydiving, ride on an elephant, ride on a camel, get married and live in Australia and SO many more? What is on your guys bucket lists? :)

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