Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Does anyone know where I can go to identify types of spiders?

I am in a remote part of the lower part of Afghanistan and at night we find these very large (bigger than a man's hand) spiders. Not camel spiders or tarantulas either, we see those too and know all about them. These look like what you picture when you think about a typical spider only way, way bigger. They are grey/tan with short fur, with a small body in relation to their leg length which gets to be 4-5 inches from what we have seen so far, with big fangs. I have also personally seen one kill a camel spider in a matter of 1 to 2 seconds which leads me to believe they are venomous. I have spent a fair amount of time online trying to learn anything about them and I can't find anything. Everything I come across is usually dedicated to the camel spider (which also get really big). If anyone knows a website or is a spider expert I would really appreciate any help I can get. It's creepy enough trying to sleep knowing they are here all the time, so it would help to know something about them.

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